06 May 2008

Ruined. Utterly. Totally. Ruined.

So, at lunch today, I got to hear my second favorite David Allen Coe song. The one where he's having a conversation with the devil. Compliments him on his fiddle solo being better than Johnny's. (A song ruined for me by a trip to Wurstfest last fall.) And says he never really liked cocaine, just the way it smelled.

ANYWAY, I flipped the station and got treated to a new Willie song. Really dug it and totally forgot about it until tonight, when Zac brought up seeing Willie's Picnic this summer.

So, I bust out the Google for this new Willie song. Come to find out (brace yourself) it was written by Kristofferson. Who I am a big fan of ... if for no other reason than he put out an album titled Jesus Was a Capricorn - a copy of which used to hang on me and Brooke's Wall of Men We Admire. (Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, Waylon Jennings, Robert Plant and Bea Arthur)

So, the song comes up on YouTube and there's a clip of Kris doing it. He starts off by saying, "I want to do a song for John and June now." That's a good intro.

And then?

Well he opens his mouth to sing.

Oy vey.

But wait. There's more. Like this guy. (The only one of these clips I couldn't get all the way through, for the record)

Seriously. If you make it all the way through that, I'll give you a dollar.

But wait. There's more. Like this one. The only clip I could find with Willie doing the song with decent audio. I direct your attention to the 1:40, 2:15 and 3:15 marks.

It's like Zac said, "Thank you YouTube and every slapdick with an Apple thinking he can edit videos."

I'd like to think I taught him the term slapdick.

1 comment:

PearlGirl said...

up until the last clip, i was okay... and then. RUINED!

thanks for nothing.