28 May 2008

Reasons a certain someone is awesome

Pisces - Your mind is extremely sharp today, and you are eager to discover some new ideas.

No shit, cosmos. You mean like this sort of thing?

My girlfriend is most certainly not a coddler. And, anytime I start getting coddly, she punches me in the face. (Only literally a couple times. Oh, and she felled me with a shot to the gut once when I was going for a hug. Yes, she's Irish.)

Like my friend Rick Ocasek* says, "just what I needed." And, literally, it is. At the point of a bayonet, she forces me to be more self-confident. And to not be a bleeder. But that doesn't mean I readily accept it. I kick and scream and freak out. Often. Usually about stupid shit that, at the end of the day, doesn't mean crap.

But, at the end of the day, I know she's right. There. I said it. In public.

Oh, another reason she's awesome? She's FINALLLY getting a new cell phone. I suspect it's so she can receive Radley pictures. Will confirm this later.

* We're not really friends. We're blood brothers.

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