18 April 2008

So, what do you know?

I mean, what do you really know? A friend told me the other night that before he goes to sleep every night, he writes down one thing he learned that day. Brilliant in its simplicity.

However, this post arose from a discussion among some folks that I was privileged to be a part of. I'm directly stealing my #1 from one of them. The rest are all mine.

#1: In your professional life, only you are going to take care of you. The sooner you recognize this and begin to act accordingly, the more successful you will ultimately become.

#2: Any product or service that requires the American public to be stupid or lazy will make a fortune for someone.
#2a: Any product or service that requires them to be both stupid and lazy will turn out better than printing money.
#2b: This seems to work for TV shows, movies and political candidates, too.

#3: Just assume that no good deed goes unpunished. Has that stopped me from doing good? No. I just figure it in as the "cost of doing good" and allow myself to be pleasantly surprised when things don't turn out horribly.

#4: The Rolling Stones wrote a song for every occasion in your life.

#5: Complete and total, utterly devastating, catastrophic failure is never as bad as you think it is going to be. In fact, it can be the greatest thing that ever happens to you.

#6: Three square meals, eight glasses of water and thirty minutes of exercise a day were more than just things you learned in health class. They can change your life.

#7: Looking for someone to stand next to you at a wedding is a good way to get divorced.

#8: Nothing is more expensive than regret. Have dreams. Do something each day to get you closer to those dreams.

#9: Preparing is better than planning.

#10: I should have the guts to trust my gut more.

#11: Being vulnerable isn't being weak.

1 comment:

Baconator said...

How have I managed to fuck so many of these up?