25 March 2008


Lots of unexpected finds today.

1. If you're not on anywhere.fm you should be. You can upload all your non-DRMed music to their servers. Then, you can access your entire music library through their flash-based player at any computer with an internet connection.

They also have some free tunes on there. Which is where I stumbled onto some totally popped out group called busbee and a track called "A Little Bit." Totally not my style, but I must have listened to it 20 times today. Then I bought it. Unexpected.

2. I got news today I have been waiting a month for. I got it when I wasn't supposed to. A key player/news bearer is on vacation this week. I resigned myself to not hearing anything and pushed it out of my mind. And then I got an e-mail. I did a double take. I actually thought to myself, "This looks like the type of message that would contain the big news."



I'm not going to jinx it, so I'll just say I am flying from Austin to Memphis, then from Memphis to Richmond, Virginia later today on a plane, that when Google image searched, yields the following result:

All sorts of unexpected there. I also get to fly from Chicago to Austin on the same model of plane Wednesday night. Spinning the gun barrel three times in this fiery game of gravity roulette.

3. Two hours and forty-two minutes later, and I made it the two miles to my driveway. Thank you, very much.

PS. Big hill by my house? Suck me, beautiful.

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