23 March 2008

It's an important question to answer ...

"holy long title, batman."
-- someone on seeing my new blog address

"bookmark it."
-- me

Well, it's a question I generally ask myself all the time. I think it's important to pause in your life and think, "How the fuck did I get here?" I mean. It can be rhetorical. Sometimes, I don't really want to answer. Sometimes, I'm unable to actually answer how the fuck I got there. Here. Whichever.

And, not only is it not always about geography, but, it's not always a bad thing. Growing up in the middle of nowhere, you're not really supposed to go anywhere. So when I find myself at the Rose Bowl or Times Square or the College World Series or on the Austin City Limits stage or in a church pew with the governor, I often think, "How the fuck did I get here?"

Yeah, I drop thought f-bombs in church. Don't you?

Kris Kristofferson says, "Why me, lord? What have I ever done? To deserve even one of the blessings you've shown."

And I say, "How the fuck did I get here?"

Which is totally different from the "How the fuck did I get here?" times. Like when I found myself at an A&M-OU football game. Rooting for a giant meteor. Or an Old Testament smiting.

So internetically speaking, how the F did I get here?

Well, I started a blog in 2003. Only problem being it was on a site named after me. And, sometimes, I don't always want all my opinions and rants associated with my name. (read: during a job search)

So, the first of the year, I moved it to my MySpace page. Two problems with that:
1. MySpace sucks. Seriously, it's the KMart of websites. Only shittier.
2. I realized my dad's coworkers don't really need to see all the times I (usually drunkenly) whine like a 12 year old girl.

So, that's probably the easiest how the F did I get here that I've ever answered.

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