28 March 2008

Heaven holds a place for those who pray

So I'm finding the two disc Tales From New York set from Simon and Garfunkel to be the perfect waiting for the biggest news ever music. Yes, that is just dripping in irony.

But the songs are soothing. Catchy. Reminds me of my mom's burnt orange 1979 Mercury Cougar. With the vinyl seats. What a cruddy car that was.

It also reminds me of the time I surprised someone with badass Paul Simon tickets in San Antonio. I went thinking I was doing good boyfriend duty and I would gut it out. I left there a huge Paul Simon fan. That little guy can write some songs. Lots of them. That are both poppy and soulful. Genuine.

Richmond, my nation turns its lonely eyes to you.

Which is odd, because the origin of the phrase, "The eyes of Texas are upon you" begins in Virginia. When post Civil War General Lee, (apparently, referred to just as Lee by Virginians) was president of what is now Washington and Lee, he would close his speeches with "Gentlemen, the eyes of the south are upon you." One of those gentlemen became president of UT when he grew up and he bastardized the phrase.

Anyway, it seems thinking about women from my past makes waiting easier. How odd. I hope this wait ends before I compose a treatise on my marriage.

edit: Maybe this isn't the right time for Bridge Over Troubled Waters. Oy.

Or I Am A Rock, either.

Wait, this could be the worst possible music for this.

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