15 July 2008

It's a bird. It's a plane. It's ....

my first New York celebrity experience.

I got off the subway this morning (Right stop. On time and everything, thank you very much.) and was greeted with an abnormal delay getting up the stairs. I get up them, finally, and see police tape roping off Bryant Park. Lots of police tape.

Uh oh.

I get about a half a block up, and there are about a hundred Chevrolet pickups parked in a row. In case you haven't been in New York the past two weeks, the All Star game is tonight at Yankee Stadium. Why they get rewarded with an All Star Game for being so stupid as to tear down that park is beyond me, but I digress. This afternoon is an All Star Game parade near my office.

And there it was.

Superman's pickup for the parade.

After snapping this picture, I realized the head of my account at work was standing right next to me. "If you're taking a picture of Sizemore's truck, I hope you got a great shot of Willie Mays'."


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